Spa Treatments
Book your pampering treatments or a refreshing -120°C cold experience. Relax Center Haikko has a great selection of treatments, from beautifying and efficient facial treatments to romantic baths and treatments for couples.
Book your pampering treatments or a refreshing -120°C cold experience. Relax Center Haikko has a great selection of treatments, from beautifying and efficient facial treatments to romantic baths and treatments for couples.
Please book your desired weekend treatments well in advance. Have a look at availability and book directly online! You will get a confirmation on your booked treatments by e-mail.
We use for example Finnish Ekopharma natural cosmetic products that are based on nutritious Finnish berries and the best natural active ingredients. The professional skin and hair care products are responsively produced, gentle to use and environment friendly. Welcome!
Spa Treatment Bookings and Spa Shop Opening Hours
MON-SAT 10-18 | SUN closed
Spa Treatment Department Opening Hours
MON-TUE 10-18 | WED-FRI 10-19 | SAT 10-18 | SUN 10-14
NOTE treatments are also available outside these hours according to agreement
Contact information here.
Aesthetic anti-age treatments, such as filling treatments, laser treatments, hair and tattoo removals and face lift without surgery, are available in cooperation with Aesthetics - Plastic Surgery Center. Please read more on aesthetic treatments.
You can make an appointment with Haikko Spa's local physiotherapist, with or without doctor's referral. Physiotherapy may contain for example Super Cold treatment, aquatic therapy or gym exercises.
Further information: physiotherapist, PT, Michael Sundström
e-mail michael.sundstrom@relaxcenter.fi or tel. Mon-Fri 9-17 +358 40 585 1675