jälkiruoka-annoskuppi Haikon Kartanossa

Restaurant Special Offers

The current special offers and events can be found on this page. Haikko's menus are based on seasonal ingredients and delicacies. Please choose your favourite culinary experience and book your table in advance at the atmospheric Manor Restaurant.

Welcome to enjoy the seasons best tastes and genuine service at Haikko Manor Restaurant!


Current Special Offers

Culinary Experiences at Haikko Manor Restaurants

The Manor restaurant is located in the historic main building. Hotel breakfasts, lunches and dinners are served in the Manor Restaurant daily. We recommend you to book your Manor table in advance.  The cosy Spa Cafe & Lounge is located in the Spa Hotel. It is a perfect place for more relaxed meals and snacks, no table reservations are needed.



Welcome to Taste Haikko's Seasonal Delicacies

Our chefs have planned delicious seasonal menus consisting of the very best ingredients of each season and holiday theme. Winter menus and buckwheat blinis will traditionally start the year. Abundant buffets and dessert selections will be prepared for public holidays, Mother´s Days and Father´s Days and during the Christmas season. Elegant sit-down dinners will be served during the Midsummer and New Year's festivities.