Imperial Haikossa 1

Room Service

Celebrate your visit by ordering sparkling drinks, sweet delicacies or roses to your room. Order in advance to ensure a luxurious start for your holiday. Room Service will also take care of your in-room breakfast and drink orders on the spot at Haikko.

Room service

In-room Breakfast

  • 35 € / person incl. room service charge
  • Includes a continental breakfast (no warm course)
  • Orders must be submitted to the reception no later than 6 PM the day before.


Manor Restaurant à la Carte Portions and Drinks

  • Room Service delivery to Spa Hotel rooms + room service charge 15 €/room
  • Room Service charge is included in the Manor Hotel room prices
  • Please find here the Manor Restaurant à la carte menu and wine list


Room service orders at Haikko by telephone

Head waiter tel. +358 (0)19 576 0763 (hotel room telephone please dial 763)

Please notice, that the room service is available during the Manor Restaurant's opening hours only.


Takeaway portions from the Spa Cafe & Lounge

Have a relaxed meal in your room! You can order and pick up delicious food and snacks from the Spa Cafe & Lounge in the Spa Hotel. Please take a look at menu and opening hours.