Haikon kartanopuisto kylpytakit

Sustainability at Haikko

Haikko' cuisine consists largely of organic raw materials that are locally produced. You can also enjoy our eco-efficient saunas and have a nature respecting holiday here. Corporate responsibility at Haikko means measurable sustainability in everyday operations.

What does Corporate Responsibility mean at Haikko?

The environmental aspects in our operations include corporate responsibility for the impacts our operations cause to the environment, also indirectly. Our objective is to operate in a responsible manner regarding the environmental carrying capacity and sustainable usage of natural resources. 

We carry out practical, environment-friendly operations every day. Haikko has received the Sustainable Travel Finland certificate by Business Finland. 

Corporate responsibility at Haikko means, however, much more than environment-friendly operations. It also covers both financial and social responsibility within our wide operating community. 


Social Responsibility 

Good customer service, respect for human rights, non-discrimination, equality, good management and wellbeing and safety at work are our essential values. This is manifested in our good and equal customer service and, for example, our many employments that last for decades.

Social responsibility includes organisational and staff-related matters but also the impacts on the entire society. Social responsibility also include other indirect impacts on various groups of people in other countries, too. Product safety is an important issue as well. We care for our cooperation partners and for the responsible development of Porvoo area travel together with other operators. We participate, for example, in the HelsinkiEast -travel cooperation network.

Every work and task at Haikko is an important part of our operations. Therefore we value all opinions and develop our operations together. 

read more about our values


Financial Responsibility 

Haikko Manor & Spa is a Finnish family enterprise paying taxes in Finland. Haikko is also the largest hotel company and a major employer in the Eastern Uusimaa area.  

Financial responsibility covers both the sustainability of our business operations as well as the economic impacts outside our own organisation. Transparency is an essential factor in local, national and international scale. 

Financial responsibility includes also profitability, competitiveness and efficiency. The fact is, that an organisation can take care of its social and environmental responsibility only if its economic performance is sufficient. Risk management is a part of financial responsibility to guarantee its operations also in the future.


Haikko's Environment Programme 

Hotel Haikko Manor & Spa is located in the middle of a beautiful Eastern Uusimaa landscape, archipelago and 14 hectares manor park. We are constantly working to preserve the privilege to clean and diversified nature for future generations. Complete responsibility is the key value in our operations.

Hotel Haikko Manor & Spa has received two environment awards.

energy use
Responsible use of energy

Haikon Manor committed into the European Union's energy efficiency agreement in 2008. Energy efficiency agreement is a voluntary agreement, where the means a chosen jointly by the state and industries to fulfill the international energy efficiency obligations set for Finland without new legislation.

Sustainable Haikko
Sustainable Travel Finland

Sustainable Travel Finland  label promotes responsible tourism in Finland and allows international travel trade to easily identify sustainable tourism providers. Haikko was the first travel business in Porvoo to receive the label in 2022.

Examples of daily and practical environmental work at Haikko Manor Spa.

  • We consume water and energy as efficiently and economically as possible, we recycle and train our staff to environmental-friendly ways of working. 
  • Our room service uses eco-labeled detergents and cleaners.
  • A wide range of organic and locally produced food is used in our restaurants.
  • Our whole staff participates actively in communicating our environmental work and we encourage our guests to do so, too. 
  • Increasing environment awareness is part of our everyday work.
  • We are pioneers in utilising sea water thermal energy. Over 60% of our heating energy is derived from the sea. Oil heating may be used only in the coldest time of winter. 
  • We only use locally produced, environment friendly electricity by Porvoon Energia. It is EKO-certified and produced from wood chips in a biomass power plant located in Tolkkinen, Porvoo.
  • The operating times and efficiency of our air conditioning system are adjusted very precisely according to the CO/2 contents in a specific room. Air conditioning systems are equipped with heat recovery systems.
  • The entire area of ​​Haikko Manor is mainly equipped with LED or fluorescent lighting. In many ways, our customers are encouraged to save by turning off the lights when leaving the room / private space whenever possible.
  • We aim to minimize water consumption by using water saving sanitary fixtures and bathroom furniture and by adjusting toilet water tank capacities.  Water consumption is monitored on daily basis and we react to consumption peaks immediately. Hotel guests are asked to leave their towels to be washed on the floor to avoid unnecessary laundry. Also changing of bed linen takes now place less frequently. Natural well water is used for irrigation in the park area. Additionally, the dish washers in the restaurants are water saving. 
  • Environmental impacts are important criteria in Haikko's purchasing principles. New combustion engine driven appliances should be low-emission ones and have environmental certification. We avoid disposable products and packaging  whenever possible.   
  • There are many antique furniture dating back to the 19th century in the Manor. They are refurbished and upholstered when necessary. Furniture form several decades starting from the 1960's are also still in use in the Spa Hotel. We purchase durable and easy to renovate furniture. Our own staff takes care of the refurbishing. Also textiles like curtains and bedspreads are sawn at Haikko and our newest bedlinen have official Nordic Ecolabel and we will choose only eco-labeled bedlinen also in the future. Instead of throwing away we resell used goods to our staff and organize flea market events.
  • Hotel textiles do not require chemical wash and the valuable old carpets in the Manor are steam washed. Hotel laundry is mainly washed by Comforta Oy who follows the ISO-14001 environmental certification programme. 
  • Haikko's à la carte menus are changed three times a year and local, organic raw materials are preferred. This enables our kitchen to use seasonal, domestic ingredients. Also vegetarian and vegan options are always available. 
  • There is a direct bus connection from Porvoo to Haikko Manor and we recommend our guests to use bus transport. You can also arrive by m/s J.L. Runeberg boat in the summer. 
  • We encourage our staff to bicycle to work and provide bicycle stands and possibility to shower at work. There are also rental bicycles available for our guests in the summer.  Our staff can also use these bicycles.
  • Haikko's marketing operations are mainly carried out online, and the amount of printed matters has been reduced for environmental reasons. Free wireless internet connection is available for all guests at Haikko. There is a lot of information on our services, online booking possibilities and environmental management plan available on Haikko's website.